- Shinjo, H., Le, H.T.T, Funakawa, S., Shine, T. Overview of Vietnam Livelihood and the Environment in Vietnam. Springer Nature, 2024.
- Watanabe, T., Harsh, J. B., Wagai, R., Short range ordered aluminosilicates, Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment, 2nd Edition, Goss, M., Oliver, M., Elsevier, 2023, Contributor
- Takata, Y., Kawashigashi, M., Kida, K., Tani, M., Kinoshita, R., Ito, T., Shibata, M., Takahashi, T., Fujii, K., Imaya, A., Obara, H., Maejima, Y., Kohyama, K., Kato, T. Major Soil Types, The Soils of Japan, Hatano, T., Shinjo, H., Takata, Y., 2021, Contributor
- Hatano, T., Shinjo, H., Takata, Y. (Eds), The Soils of Japan, Springer Singapore, Hatano, T., Shinjo, H., Takata, Y., 2021, Editor
- Hatano, T., Shinjo, H., Takata, Y. (Eds), The Soils of Japan, Hatano, T., Shinjo, H., Takata, Y., Springer Singapore, 2021, Editor
- 真常 仁志, 「砂漠化の人為要因」・「砂漠化の気象要因」, 沙漠学事典, 日本沙漠学会, 丸善出版, 2020, 分担執筆
- 真常 仁志, 荒木 茂, 植生と土壌, ザンビアを知るための55章, 島田周平、大山修一, 明石書店, 2020, 分担執筆
- 真常 仁志 , 熱帯土壌の種類と分布 , 熱帯農学概論 , 江原宏、樋口浩和 , 培風館 , 2019 , 共著
- 岡本 侑樹 , フィールドで出会う風と人と土4 , , 総合地球環境学研究所 , 2019 , 分担執筆
- Ajay Kumar Mishra, Athuman Juma Mahinda, Hitoshi Shinjo, Mangi Lal Jat, Anshuman Singh, and Shinya Funakawa , Role of Conservation Agriculture in Mitigating Soil Salinity in the Indo-Gangetic Plains of India , Engineering Practices for Management of Soil Salinity: Agricultural, Physiological, and Adaptive Approaches , S. K. Gupta, Megh R. Goyal, Anshuman Singh , Apple Academic Press, Inc. Canada , 2018 , 共著
- 真常 仁志 , 土壌サイエンス入門 第2版 , , 文永堂出版 , 2018 , 分担執筆
- S. Funakawa (Ed) , , Soils, Ecosystem Processes, and Agricultural Development: Tropical Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa , Funakawa, S. , ” Springer” , 2017 , Editor
- 渡邉 哲弘 , 土壌中でのリン酸の長期間にわたる収着と放出 , 農業技術大系 土壌施肥編 , 農山漁村文化協会 , 2017 , 分担執筆
- 渡邉 哲弘 , 土壌中でのリン酸の動態 In 最新農業技術 土壌施肥 vol.9 , 農山漁村文化協会 , 2017 , 分担執筆
- Watanabe, T., Supiandi, S. , Parent materials and climate control secondary mineral distributions in soils of Kalimantan, Indonesia. In Soils, Ecosystem Processes, and Agricultural Development: Tropical Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa , Springer , 2017 , Contributor
- Funakawa, S., Watanabe, T. , Influence of climatic factor on clay mineralogy in humid Asia: significance of vermiculitization of mica minerals. In Soils, Ecosystem Processes, and Agricultural Development: Tropical Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa , Springer , 2017 , Contributor
- Watanabe, T. , Significance of active aluminum and iron on organic carbon preservation and phosphate sorption/release in tropical soils. In Soils, Ecosystem Processes, and Agricultural Development: Tropical Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa , Springer , 2017 , Contributor
- 岡本 侑樹 , 地域と対話するサイエンス エリアケイパビリティー論 , 勉誠出版 , 2017 , 分担執筆
- Kubo, R., Kilasara, M., Fonteh, F.A., Funakawa, S. , The production of indigenous alcoholic beverage in Sub-Saharan Africa , Kaisei Publishing Co., Ltd. , 2016 , Contributor
- 渡邉 哲弘 , 火山灰土壌の分布と特殊性 , 地球環境, 21, 11-20 , 2016
- 渡邉 哲弘 , 土の生成に及ぼす地形の影響. In 日本土壌肥料学会「土のひみつ」編集グループ, 土のひみつ 食料・環境・生命 , 朝倉書店 , 2015 , 分担執筆
- Fujii, K., Hayakawa, C., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T. , Acidification of tropical soils under forest and continuous cropping in Thailand and Indonesia. The effects of land use changes on soil processes in the tropics and subtropics , CABI publisher , 2015 , Contributor
- 真常 仁志 , 土のひみつ , 朝倉書店 , 2015 , 共著
- 真常仁志・佐々木夕子・小村陽平 , 健康づくり政策への多角的アプローチ , ミネルヴァ書房 , 2015 , 共著
- Funakawa, S., Fujii, K., Kadono, A., Watanabe, T., Kosaki, T. , Could Soil Acidity Enhance Sequestration of Organic Carbon in Soils? , Springer , 2014 , Contributor
- Watanabe, T., Nakao, A., Sugihara, S., Shibata, M., Funakawa, S. , Preservation of organic carbon in Cameroonian soils by active Al and Fe , JST/JICA SATREPS Progress Report 2013, Forest-Savanna Sustainability Project, Cameroon, 379-387 , 2014
- Pachikin, K., Erokhina, O., Funakawa, S. , Soils of Kazakhstan, their distribution and mapping , Springer , 2013 , Contributor
- Fujii, K., Hayakawa, C., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T. , Acidification of tropical soils under forest and continuous cropping in Thailand and Indonesia , CABI publisher , 2013 , Contributor
- Sugihara, S., Nakao, A., Shibata, M., Watanabe, T., Funakawa, S. , Extensive survey of soil minerals and soil fertility in eastern, southern and northern Cameroon , JST/JICA SATREPS Progress Report 2012 Forest-Savanna Sustainability Project, Cameroon, 211-216 , 2013
- 渡邉哲弘, 中尾淳, 山口紀子 , 土壌中における放射性セシウムの挙動. In 別冊化学 検証!福島第一原発事故 , 化学同人 , 2012 , 分担執筆
- Funakawa, S., Yoshida, H., Watanabe, T., Sugihara, S., Kilasara, M., Kosaki, T. , 1. Soil fertility status and its determining factors in Tanzania , InTech – Open Access Publisher, Rijeka, Croatia , 2012 , Contributor
- Funakawa, S., Watanabe, T., Kadono, A., Nakao, A., Fujii, K., Kosaki, T. , 4. Soil resources and human adaptation in forest and agricultural ecosystems in humid Asia , CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, London, New York , 2011 , Contributor
- Funakawa, S., Watanabe, T., Nakao, A., Fujii, K., Kosaki, T. , 5. Pedogenetic acidification in upland soils under different bioclimatic conditions in humid Asia , CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, London, New York , 2011 , Contributor
- 真常 仁志,荒木 茂. , 講座「サブサハラ・アフリカの土壌肥料研究最前線 1.講座のねらい、サブサハラ・アフリカの生態環境条件と農業の現状」. , 日本土壌肥料学雑誌,82(4),330-337 , 2011
- Watanabe, T., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T. , Distribution of clay minerals in upland soils under different weathering conditions of humid Asia , Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York , 2009 , Contributor
- 真常 仁志 , ニジェールの食生活と農業 , 食品と容器、50、58-64 , 2009
- 矢内純太、舟川晋也、真常仁志、森塚直樹 , 土壌学入門 , 古今書院 , 2009 , 共訳
- Funakawa, S., Yanai, J., Takata, Y., Karbozova-Saljnikov, E., Akshalov, K., Kosaki, T. , Dynamics of water and soil organic matter under grain farming in Northern Kazakhstan – Toward sustainable land use both from the agronomic and environmental viewpoints , Taylor & Francis, Leiden, Netherlands , 2007 , Contributor
- 真常 仁志,小崎 隆 , 地盤環境工学ハンドブック , 朝倉書店 , 2007 , 共著
- H. Shinjo, Y. Noro, H. Miyazaki, and U. Tanaka. , Spatial characteristics of soil properties in Miombo woodland in Eastern Province, Zambia – towards the rational experimental design for the ecological resilience study -. Vulnerability and Resillience of Social-Ecological Systems , FY2006 PR Project Report, 10-16, RIHN , 2006
- 真常 仁志,小崎 隆 , 土壌圏と地球温暖化 , 名古屋大学出版会 , 2005 , 共著
- 真常 仁志 , 熱帯農業事典 , 養賢堂 , 2003 , 共著