- Tomohiro Nishigaki, Kenta Ikazaki, Hitoshi Shinjo, Ueru Tanaka, Dougbedji Fatondji, Shinya Funakawa. Pearl millet yield reduction by soil erosion and its recovery potential through fertilizer application on an Arenosol in the Sahel, 2025.
- Fukui, H., Matsushi, Y., Watanabe, T., Lyu, H., Kitao, S., Kobayashi, Y., Shinoda, K. Redox-controlled differential weathering of andesitic pumice: Possible catalytic effects of ferrous/ferric iron for rapid halloysite accumulation in a Holocene tephra layer, Catena, 2024.
- Takebe, H., Tominaga, K., Isozaki, T., Watanabe, T., Yamamoto, K., Kamikawa, R., Yoshida, T. Taxonomic difference in marine bloom-forming phytoplanktonic species affects dynamics of both bloom-responding prokaryotes and prokaryotic viruses, 2024.
- Lyu, H., Sawada, K, Zhong, R., Kilasara, M., Hartono, A., Dahlgren, R. A., Funakawa, S., Watanabe, T. Disentangling divergent factors controlling bacterial and fungal communities in topsoil and subsoil horizons across environmental gradients of tropical volcanic regions Catena 2024.
- Lyu, H., Zhong, R., Kilasara, M., Hartono, A., Sun, Z., Funakawa, S., Watanabe, T. Impact of Climate on Soil Organic Matter Composition in Soils of Tropical Volcanic Regions Revealed by EGA-MS and Py-GC/MS Environmental Science and Technology 2024.
- Watanabe S, Shibata M, Kosugi Y, Marryanna L, Fukushima K, Hartono A, Funakawa S., Investigating drivers of active nitrification in organic horizons of tropical forest soils, Soil Ecology Letters 5(3), 220167, 2023.
- Sawada, K., Kunito, T., Watanabe, T., Kitagawa, N., Lyu, H., Nguyen, HL, Toyota, K., Funakawa, S., Positive priming effects through microbial P-mining in tropical forest soils under N2-fixing trees, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2023.
- Anda, M., Purwanto, S., Dariah, A., Watanabe, T., Dahlgren, RA, A 200-year snapshot of soil development in pyroclastic deposits derived from the 1815 super explosive, Geoderma, 2023.
- Nakamura, R., Watanabe, T., Onoda, Y., Contrasting silicon dynamics between aboveground vegetation and soil along a secondary successional gradient in a cool-temperate deciduous forest, Ecosystems, 2023.
- Watanabe, T., Ueda, S., Nakao, A., Mvondo Ze, A., Dahlgren, R., Funakawa, S., Disentangling the pedogenic factors controlling active Al and Fe concentrations in soils of the Cameroon volcanic line, Geoderma , 2023.
- Nyengere, J., Okamoto, Y., Funakawa, S. and Shinjo, H. Analysis of spatial heterogeneity of soil physicochemical properties in northern Malawi. Geoderma Regional. 2023.
- Le, Ha Thi Thu, Nguyen, Mai Thi Hong, Le, Hung Thai, and Shinjo, Hitoshi. Implementation . Trees, Forests and People of payment for forest environmental services and its influence on the livelihood of ethnic minorities in Thua Thien Hue Province, Vietnam. 2023
- Lyu, H., Watanabe, T., Ota, Y., Hartono, A., Anda, M., Dahlgren, RA, Funakawa, S. Climatic controls on soil clay mineral distributions in humid volcanic regions of Sumatra and Java, Indonesia Geoderma, 2022
- Teshirogi, K., Kanno, M., Shinjo, H., Uchida, S., and Tanaka, U. Distribution and dynamics of the Cynodon dactylon invasion to the cultivated fields of pearl millet in north-central Namibia, Journal of Arid Environments , 205, 104820 2022
- Fujii, K., Mitani, R., Inagaki, Y., Hayakawa, C., Shibata, M., Kosaki, T., Ueda, M. Continuous maize cropping accelerates loss of soil organic matter in northern Thailand as revealed by natural 13C abundance, Plant and Soil, 2022
- Le, Dinh H., Shibata, M., Kohmoto, Y., Nguyen, Ho L., Funakawa, S. Analysis of the processes that generate surface runoff and soil erosion using a short-term water budget on a mountainous sloping cropland in central Vietnam, Catena, 2022
- Hideaki Yasuno, Hajime Sugihara, Mayuko Seki, Makoto Shibata, Takuya Ban, Haruo Tanaka. Acidity correction by coal ash application to Okinawa red-yellow soil and its effect on priming effect under new organic matter application conditions, Journal of the Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 93(1), 12–19, 2022
- Hatano, R., Shinjo, H., Takata, Y., and Ihara, H. Soil priorities in Japan, Geoderma Regional, 28, 2022
- Miura, M., Jones, TG, Ford, H., Hill, PW and Jones, DL Role of plants in determining the soil response to either a single freeze-thaw or dry-wet event, Applied Soil Ecology, 2022
- Miura, M., Jones, TG, Ford, H., Hill, PW and Jones, DL Role of plants in determining the soil response to either a single freeze-thaw or dry-wet event. Applied Soil Ecology, Accepted.
- Sawada, K., Watanabe, S., Nguyen, HL, Sugihara, S., Seki, M., Kobayashi, H., Toyota, K., Funakawa, S. Comparison of the structure and diversity of root-associated and soil microbial communities between acacia plantations and native tropical mountain forests, Frontiers in Microbiology, 2021
- Kozue Sawada, Tetsuhiro Watanabe, Shinya Funakawa. Clarification of carbon and nutrient circulation in soils of natural ecosystems and traditional agricultural ecosystems as models for “minimum loss agriculture”, Soil and Microorganisms, 2021
- Sawada, K., Inagaki, Y., Sugihara, S., Funakawa, S., Ritz, K., Toyota, K. Impacts of conversion from natural forest to cedar plantation on the structure and diversity of root-associated and soil microbial communities, Applied Soil Ecology, 2021
- Fujii, K., Mitani, R., Inagaki, Y., Hayakawa, C., Shibata, M., Kosaki, T., Ueda, M. Continuous maize cropping accelerates loss of soil organic matter in northern Thailand as revealed by natural 13C abundance, Plant and Soil, 2022
- Le, Dinh H., Shibata, M., Kohmoto, Y., Nguyen, Ho L., Funakawa, S. Analysis of the processes that generate surface runoff and soil erosion using a short-term water budget on a mountainous sloping cropland in central Vietnam, Catena, 210, 106032 ,2022
- Hideaki Yasuno, Hajime Sugihara, Mayuko Seki, Makoto Shibata, Takuya Ban, Haruo Tanaka. Acidity correction by coal ash application to Okinawa red-yellow soil and its effect on priming effect under new organic matter application conditions, Journal of the Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 93(1), 12–19, 2022
- Hatano, R., Shinjo, H., Takata, Y., and Ihara, H. Soil priorities in Japan, Geoderma Regional, 28, e00485, 2022
- Prueksapong, A., Shinjo, H., Watanabe, T., and Funakawa, S. Using land-use, landform, and soil order classifications to determine soil properties in northeast Thailand, Tropical Agriculture and Development, 65, 110-121, 2021
- Ashida, K., Watanabe, T., Urayama, S., Hartono, A., Kilasara, M., Mvondo Ze, AD, Nakao, A., Sugihara, S., Funakawa, S. Quantitative relationship between organic carbon and Geochemical properties in tropical surface and subsurface soils, Biogeochemistry, 2021
- Kohmoto, Y., Watanabe T., Sipaseuth, N., Funakawa, S. Analysis of surface runoff water and sediment generations using a short-term water budget in the steeply sloping agricultural land of northern Laos, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2021
- Lyu, H., Watanabe, T., Kilasara, M., Hartono, A., Funakawa, S. Soil organic carbon pools controlled by climate and geochemistry in tropical volcanic regions, Science of The Total Environment, 2021
- Ma, Q., Jinsen, Z., Watanabe, T., Funakawa, S. Microbial immobilization of ammonium and nitrate fertilizers induced by starch and cellulose in an agricultural soil, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2021
- Sawada, K., Inagaki, Y., Toyota, K. Priming effects induced by C and N additions in relation to microbial biomass turnover in Japanese forest soils, Applied Soil Ecology, 2021
- Fujii, K., Nakada, Y., Umezawa, K., Yoshida, M., Shibata, M., Hayakawa, C., Inagaki, Y., Kosaki, T., Hangs, R., A comparison of lignin- degrading enzyme activities in forest floor layers across a global climatic gradient, Soil Ecology Letters 2, 281–294, 2020
- Ma, Q., Watanabe, T., Zheng, J., Funakawa, S. Interactive effects of crop residue quality and nitrogen fertilization on soil organic carbon priming in agricultural soils, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2020
- Asakawa, S., Watanabe, T., Lyu, H., Funakawa, S., Toyohara, H. Mineralogical composition of tidal flat sediments in Japan , Soil Science and Plant Nutrition , 2020
- Iskandar, W., Watanabe, T., Marwanto, S., Sabiham, S., Funakawa, S. Landform affects the distribution of mineral nutrients in the tropical peats: a case study in a peatland of Siak, Indonesia , Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2020
- Ichinose, Y., Higuchi, H., Kubo, R., Nishigaki, T., Kilasara, M., Shinjo, H. and Funakawa, S. Adaptation of Farmland Management Strategies to Maintain Livelihood by the Chagga People in the Kilimanjaro Highlands , Agriculture Systems, 181, 102829 doi:10.1016/j.agsy.2020.102829 , 2020
- KC, Sharda and Shinjo, H. Effects of Human Urine and Ecosan Manure on Plant Growth and Soil Properties in Central Nepal. , Sanitation Value Chain, 4, 19-37 , 2020
- KC, Sharda, Harada, H. and Shinjo, H. People’s perception on ecological sanitation and health risks associated in Central Nepal , Sanitation Value Chain in print , 2020
- Ichinose, Y., Higuchi, H., Kubo, R., Nishigaki, T., Kilasara, M., Shinjo, H., Funakawa, S., Adaptation of farmland management strategies to maintain livelihood by the Chagga people in the Kilimanjaro highlands , Agroforestry Systems,2020
- Poudel, S., Funakawa,S., Shinjo, H., Mishra, B., Understanding households’ livelihood vulnerability to climate change in the Lamjung district of Nepal ,Environment, Development and Sustainability,,2020
- Zheng, J., Qu, Y., Kilasara, M.M., Nmari, W.N., Funakawa, S. Soil-atmosphere exchange of nitrous oxide in two Tanzanian croplands: effects of nitrogen and stover management Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 275, 24-36, 2019
- Sawada, K., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T. Immediate and subsequent effects of drying and rewetting on microbial biomass in a paddy soil Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 65, 1, 710-718, 2019
- Marwanto, S., Sabiham, S., Funakawa, S. Importance of CO2 production in subsoil layers of drained tropical peatland under mature oil palm plantation Soil & Tillage Research, 186, 206-213, 2019
- Mukai, K., Fujimori, T., Shiota, K., Takaoka, M., Funakawa, S., Takeda, A., Takahashi, S. Quantitative speciation of insoluble chlorine in environmental solid samples ACS Omega, 4, 4, 6126-6137, 2019
- Fujii, K., Yamada, T., Hayakawa, C., Nakanishi, A., Funakawa, S. Kinetics of arginine ammonification to estimate microbial activity of N mineralization in forest and cropland soils European Journal of Soil Biology, 92, 1-7, 2019
- Ichinose, Y., Nishigaki, T., Kilasara, M., Funakawa, S. Central roles of livestock and land-use in soil fertility of traditional homegardens on Mount Kilimanjaro Agroforestry Systems, 2019
- Sugihara, S., Shibata, M., Mvondo Ze, A.D., Tanaka, H., Kosaki, T., Funakawa, S. Forest understories controlled the soil organic carbon stock during the fallow period in African tropical forest: a 13C analysis Scientific Reports, 9, 2019
- Liu, W., Tanimura, A., Nagara, Y., Watanabe, T., Maegawa, S., Toyohara, H. Wetland environmental bioreactor system contributes to the decomposition of cellulose Ecology and Evolution, 9, 8013-8024, 2019
- Zheng, J., Mmari, W.N., Nishigaki, T., Kilasara, M., Funakawa, S. Nitrogen vailability to maize as affected by fertilizer application and soil type in the Tanzanian highlands Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 112, 197-213, 2018
- Fujii, K., Yamada, T., Hayakawa, C., Nakanishi, A., Funakawa, S. Another bottleneck for nitrogen mineralization in temperate forest soils: Arginine metabolism in microorganisms Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 126, 20-30, 2018
- Matsui, K., Watanabe, T., Kussainova, M., Funakawa, S. Soil properties that determine the mortality and growth of Haloxylon Aphyllum in the Aral region, Kazakhstan Arid Land Research and Management, 33, 1, 37-54, 2018
- Mahinda, A., Funakawa, S., Shinjo, H., Kilasara, M. Interactive effects of in-situ rainwater harvesting techniques and fertilizer sources on mitigation of soil moisture stress for sorghum (Sorghum bicolo (L.) Moench) in dryland areas of Tanzania Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 64, 6, 710-718, 2018
- Sugihara, S., Fujimori, Y., Shibata, M., Sawada, K., Tanaka, H., Mvondo Ze, A., Araki, S., Kosaki, T., Funakawa, S. Effects of 3-year cultivation on the soil nutrient status in a tropical forest and savanna of Central Africa, as determined by the microbial responses to substrate addition Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 64, 6, 728-735, 2018
- Shibata, M., Sugihara, S., Mvondo Ze, D.A., Araki, S., Funakawa, S. Effect of original vegetation on nutrient loss patterns from Oxisol cropland in forests and adjacent savannas of Cameroon Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 257, 132-143, 2018
- Zheng, J., Kilasara, M., Nmari, W.M., Funakawa, S. Ammonia volatilization following urea application at maize fields in the East African highlands with different soil properties Biology and Fertility of Soils, 64, 3, 411-422, 2018
- Hayakawa, C., Fujii, K., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T. Effects of sorption on biodegradation of low-molecular-weight organic acids in highly-weathered tropical soils Geoderma, 324, 109-118, 2018
- Lyu, H., Watanabe, T., Kilasara, M., Funakawa, S. Effects of climate on distribution of soil secondary minerals in volcanic regions of Tanzania Catena, 166, 209-219, 2018
- Marwanto, S, Watanabe, T., Wahyu, I., Supiandi, S., Funakawa, S. Effects of seasonal rainfall and water table movement on the soil solution composition of tropical peatland Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 64, 3, 386-395, 2018
- Nishigaki, T., Sugihara, S., Kobayashi, K., Hashimoto, Y., Kilasara, M., Tanaka, H., Watanabe, T., Funakawa, S. Fractionation of phosphorus in soils with different geological and soil physicochemical properties in southern Tanzania Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 64, 3, 291-299, 2018
- Fujii, K., Shibata, M., Kitajima, K., Ichie, T., Kitayama, K., Turner, B.L. Plant–soil interactions maintain biodiversity and functions of tropical forest ecosystems Ecological Research, 33, 149-160, 2018
- McCarthy, C., Shinjo, H., Hoshino, B., and Enkhjargal, E. Assessing Local Indigenous Knowledge and Information Sources on Biodiversity, Conservation and Protected Area Management at Khuvsgol Lake National Park, Mongolia Land, 7, 117, 2018
- Tran, T.D., Tran, T.T.H., Nguyen, T.H., Shinjo, H., Saizen, I. Land use and indigenous knowledges in agricultural production of Co Tu people: A case of study in Hong Ha Commune, A Luoi district, Thua Thien Hue province HUAF Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2, 427-436, 2018
- Hseu, Z. Y., Zehetnerb, F., Fujii, K., Watanabe, T., Nakao, A. Geochemical fractionation of chromium and nickel in serpentine soil profiles along a temperate to tropical climate gradient Geoderma, 327, 37-54, 2018
- 山田夕月、山田奈直、サンソンパイサン・ナパコッド、中島健吾、柴田誠、渡邉哲弘、舟川晋也 稲わら施用による農地土壌からの窒素流出の抑制―安定同位体窒素を用いた施肥窒素の追跡― ELCAS Journal, 2, 95-99, 2017
- Watanabe, T., Hasenaka, Y., Hartono, A., Sabiham, S., Nakao, A., Funakawa, S. Parent materials and climate control secondary nineral distributions in soils of Kalimantan, Indonesia Soil Science Society of America Journal, 81, 124-137, 2017
- Sawada, K., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T. Effect of repeated drying–rewetting cycles on microbial biomass carbon in soils with different climatic histories Applied Soil Ecology, 120, 1-7, 2017
- Fujii, K., Hayakawa, C., Panitkasate T., Maskhao, I., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T., Nawata, E. Acidification and buffering mechanisms of tropical sandy soil in northeast Thailand Soil & Tillage Research, 165, 80-87, 2017
- Nakao, A., Sugihara, S., Maejima, Y., Tsukada, H., Funakawa, S. Ferralsols in the Cameroon plateaus, with a focus on the mineralogical control on their cation exchange capacities Geoderma, 285, 206-216, 2017
- Matsuoka, K., Moritsuka, N., Funakawa, S. Ball milling pretreatment affects the content of fixed ammonium in soils in response to the content of exchangeable ammonium Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 63, 321-328, 2017
- Matsui, K., Akhanov, Y., Kussainova, M., Funakawa, S. Management of wood resources: A dilemma between conservation and livelihoods in a rural district in the Aral region Energy for Sustainable Development, 41, 121-127, 2017
- Poudel, S., Funakawa, S., Shinjo, H. Household perceptions about the impacts of climatec hange on food security in the mountainous region of Nepal Sustainability, 9, 641:1-20, 2017
- Sugihara, S., Shibata, M., Mvondo Ze, A., Araki, S., Kosaki, T., Funakawa, S. Soil phosphorus of stable fraction differentially associate with carbon in the tropical forest and savanna of eastern Cameroon Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 63, 616-627, 2017
- Nishigaki, T., Sugihara, S., Kikasara, M., Funakawa, S. Soil nitrogen dynamics under different quality and application methods of crop residues in maize croplands with contrasting soil textures in Tanzania Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 63, 2017
- Sawada, K., Inagaki, Y., Toyota, K., Kosakli, T., Funakawa, S. Substrate-induced respiration responses to nitrogen and/or phosphorous additions in soils from different climatic and land use conditions European Journal of Soil Biology, 83, 27-33, 2017
- Shibata, M., Sugihara, S., Mvondo Ze, A., Araki, S., Funakawa, S. Nitrogen flux patterns through Oxisols and Ultisols in tropical forests of Cameroon, Central Africa Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 63, 2017
- Fujiwara, K., Takahashi, T., Kinouchi, T., Fukutani, S., Takahashi, S., Watanabe, T., Funakawa, S. Transfer factors of tellurium and cesium from soil to radish (Raphanus sativus var. sativus) and Komatsuna (Brassica rapa var. perviridis) Japanese Journal of Health Physics, 52, 3, 192-199, 2017
- Nishigaki, T., Sugihara, S., Kilasara, M., Funakawa, S. Surface runoff generation and soil loss under different soil and rainfall properties in the Uluguru mountains, Tanzania. Land Degradation and Development, 2017
- Nishigaki, T., Shibata, M., Sugihara, S., Mvondo-Ze, A.D., Araki, S., Funakawa, S. Effect of mulching with vegetative residues on soil water erosion and water balance in an Oxisol cropped by cassava in East Cameroon Land Degradation and Development 2017
- KC, S., Shinjo, H. Effectiveness of ecological sanitation from the viewpoint of urine application on vegetables in central Nepal MATTER: International Journal of Science and Technology, 3, 1, 55-66, 2017
- Yoshikawa, T., Tomizawa, K., Okamoto, Yuki., Watanabe, K., Salaenoi, J., Hayashizaki, K., Kurokura, H., Ishikawa, S. Nutrients, light and phytoplankton production in the shallow, tropical coastal waters of Bandon Bay, Southern Thailand Marine Ecology, 38, 6 2017
- Ratchatapattanakul, N., Watanabe, K., Okamoto, Y., Kono, Y. Living under the State and Storms: The History of Blood Cockle Aquaculture in Bandon Bay, Thailand Southeast Asian Studies, 6, 1, 3-30, 2017
- Prueksapong, A., Watanabe, T., Funakawa, S. Yield-controlling factors in rainfed paddy fields in northesast Thailand Tropical Agriculture and Development, 61, 139-149, 2017
- Watanabe, T., Hasenaka, Y., Hartono, A., Sabiham, S., Nakao, A., Funakawa S. Parent Materials and Climate Control Secondary Mineral Distributions in Soils of Kalimantan, Indonesia Soil Science Society of America Journal, 81, 124-137, 2017
- Tran, T.D., Le, V.A., Shinjo, H., Saizen, I. Effect of different types of organic fertilizers on peanut yield on Haplic Acrisols in Thua Thien Hue province Vietnam Soil Science Journal, 47, 32-35, 2016
- Sugihara, S., Tomita, Y., Funakawa, S. Effects of different phosphorus-efficient legumes and soil texture on fractionated rhizosphere soil phosphorus of strongly weathered soils Biology and Fertility of Soils, 52, 367-376, 2016
- Sarr P.S., Okon, J.W., Begoude, D.A.B., Araki, S., Ambang, Z., Shibata, M., Funakawa, S. Symbiotic N2-fixation estimated by the 15N Tracer technique growth of pueraria phaseoloides (Roxb.) Benth. inoculated with Bradyrhizobium strain in field conditions Scientifica, 2016, 2016
- Sawada, K., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T. Short-term respiration responses to drying-rewetting in soils from different climatic and land use conditions. Applied Soil Ecology, 103, 13-21, 2016
- Okamoto, Y., Muto, N., Kon, K., Watanabe, K., Yoshikawa, T., Salaenoi, J., Ishikawa, S. Stable isotope analysis suggests the existence of multiple populations of streaked spinefoot (Siganus javus L.) in Ba ndon Bay, Southern Thailand International Aquatic Research, 8, 169-178, 2016
- Wongsin, T., Salaenoi, J., Boonprab, K., Yoshikawa, T., Okamoto, Y., Ishikawa, S., Watanabe, K. Protein and Carbohydrate Accumulations in the Sediment of Blood Cockle (Anadara granosa) Culture Area at Bandon Bay, Surat Thani Province Thammasat Journal of Science and Technology, 24, 2, 309-319, 2016
- Sugihara, S., Shibata, M., Mvondo Ze DA, Araki, S., Funakawa, S. Effect of vegetation on soil microbial C, N, and P dynamics in a tropical forest and savanna of Central Africa Applied Soil Ecology 87, 91-98, 2015
- Minh, V.T., Mizuno, K., Funakawa, S., Shinjo, H., Tanaka, U., An, L.V. Introduction of vanilla in mountainous villages of central Vietnam Tropical Agriculture and Development, 59, 4, 199-206, 2015
- Prueksapong, A., Watanabe, T., Funakawa, S. Profile description, properties, and classification of paddy soils at different topographical positions in Surin Province, Thailand Pedologist, 59, 2, 63-73, 2015
- Minh, V.T., Mizuno, K., Funakawa, S., Shinjo, H., Tanaka, U., An, L.V. Home garden practices and crop contribution to livelihood in mountainous villages of central Vietnam Tropical Agriculture and Development, 59, 3, 118-126, 2015
- Sugihara, S., Funakawa, S., Kadono, A., Takata, Y., Sawada, K., Fujii, K., Kosaki, T. In situ short-term dynamics of CO2 flux and microbial biomass after simulated rainfall in dry croplands in four tropical and continental ecosystem Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 61, 392-403, 2015
- Sawada, K., Funakawa, S., Toyota, K., Kosaki, T. Potential nitrogen immobilization as influenced by available carbon in Japanese arable and forest soils Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 61, 917-926, 2015
- Hseu, Z.Y., Watanabe, T., Nakao, A., Funakawa, S. Partition of geogenic nickel in paddy soils derived from serpentinites Paddy and Water Environment, 14, 417–426, 2015
- 仁木将人、岡本侑樹、申基澈、石川智士、吉川尚、日下宗一郎 化学トレーサーを活用した沿岸域における土壌堆積物の起源推定に関する基礎的検討 土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学), 71, 2, 757-762, 2015
- Sukudom, C., Kaewnern, M., Wudtisin, I., Yoshikawa, T., Okamoto, Y., Watanabe, K., Ishikawa, S., Salaenoi, J. Organic contents and pH profiles of sediments in cockle farm at Bandon Bay, Surat Thani Province Khon Kaen Agricultural Journal, 43, 2, 265-276 2015
- Kanno, H., Sakurai, T., Shinjo, H., Miyazaki, H., Ishimoto, Y., Saeki, T., Umetsu, C. Analysis of Meteorological Measurements made over Three Rainy Seasons and Rainfall Simulations in Sinazongwe District, Southern Province, Zambia Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly, 49, 1, 59-71, 2015
- 劉文, 西垣内祐太, 荒木誉之, 李学広, 渡邉哲弘, Salikupt Wituspong, 汐見浩二, 豊原治彦 有機物分解能に優れた高機能土壌バイオリアクターの開発 日本水産学会誌, 81, 1, 81-89, 2015
- Yoneda, Y., Kano, S. I., Yoshida, T., Ikeda, E., Fukuyama, Y., Omae, K., Kimura-Sakai, S., Daifuku, T., uhiro, Watanabe, T., Sako, Y. Detection of anaerobic carbon monoxide-oxidizing thermophiles in hydrothermal environments FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 91, 2015
- Watanabe, T., Hase, E., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T. Inhibitory effect of soil micro- and small meso-pores on phosphate extraction from soils Soil Science, 180, 97-106, 2015
- Sugihara, S., Funakawa, S., Ikazaki, K., Shinjo, H., Kosaki, T. Rewetting of Dry Soil did not Stimulate the Carbon and Nitrogen Mineralization in Croplands with Plant Residue Removed in the Sahel, West Africa Tropical Agriculture and Development, 58, 8-17, 2014
道川慧太、渡邉哲弘、 豊原容子、 佐藤敦政、 豊原治彦 タテボシガイ貝殻を用いた鉛吸着剤の開発 日本水産学会誌, 80, 4, 589-593, 2014
- Sugihara, S., Shibata, M., Mvondo Ze, A., Araki, S., Funakawa, S. Effect of vegetation on soil C, N, P and other minerals in Oxisols at the forest-savanna transition zone of central Africa Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 60, 1, 1-15, 2014
- Sugihara, S., Funakawa, S., Ikazaki, K., Shinjo, H., Kosaki, T. Rewetting of Dry Soil did not Stimulate the Carbon and Nitrogen Mineralization in Croplands with Plant Residue Removed in the Sahel, West Africa Tropical Agriculture and Development, 58, 1, 8-17, 2014
- Ando, K., Shinjo, H., Noro, Y., Takenaka, S., Miura, R., Sokotela, S.B., Funakawa, S. Short-term effects of fire intensity on soil organic matter and nutrient release after slash-and-burn in Eastern Province, Zambia Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 60, 173-182, 2014
- Ando, K., Shinjo, H., Kuramitsu, H., Miura, R., Sokotela, S., Funakawa, S. Effects of cropping and short-natural fallow rotation on soil organic carbon in the Eastern Province of Zambia. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 146, 34-41, 2014
- Nguyen, L.H., Watanabe, T., Funakawa, S. Spatiotemporal variability in soil salinity and its effects on rice (Oryza sativa L.) production in the north central coastal region of Vietnam Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 60, 874-885, 2014
- Sabiham, S., Marwanto, S., Watanabe, T., Funakawa, S., Sudadi, U., Agus, F. Estimating the relative contributions of root respiration and peat decomposition to the total CO2 flux from peat soil at an oil palm plantation in Sumatra, Indonesia Tropical Agriculture and Development, 58, 3, 87-93, 2014
- Kubo, R., Ohta, K., Funakawa, S., Kitabatake, N., Araki, S., Izawa, S. Isolation of lactic-acid tolerant Saccharomyces cerevisiae from Cameroonian alcoholic beverage Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 118, 657-660, 2014
- Sugihara, S., Shibata, S., Mvondo Ze, A., Araki, S., Funakawa, S. Effects of vegetation on soil microbial C, N, and P dynamics in a tropical forest and savanna of central Africa Applied Soil Ecology, 87, 91-98, 2014
- Hayakawa, C., Funakawa, S., Fujii, K., Kadono, A.,, Kosaki, T. Effects of climatic and soil properties on cellulose decomposition rates in temperate and tropical forests Biology and Fertility of Soils, 50, 633-643, 2014
- Kubo, R., Funakawa, S., Araki, S., Kitabatake, N. Production of indigenous alcoholic beverages in a rural village of Cameroon Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 120, 2, 133-141, 2014
- Ando, K., Shinjo, H., Kuramitsu, H., Miura, R., Sokotela, S., Funakawa, S. Effects of cropping and short-natural fallow rotation on soil organic carbon in the Eastern Province of Zambia Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 196, 34-41, 2014
- 小村陽平、田中樹、佐々木夕子、真常仁志 サヘル地域の村落における「危機の年」の認識と対処行動―ニジェール南部のハウサおよびフルベの村落を事例に― システム農学, 29, 2, 41-50, 2013
- Kanno, H., Sakurai, T., Shinjo, H., Miyazaki, H., Ishimoto, Y., Saeki, T., Umetsu, C., Sokotela, S., Chiboola, M. Indigenous climate information and modern meteorological records in Sinazongwe District, Southern Province, Zambia Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly, 47, 2, 191-201, 2013
- Fujii, K., Morioka, K., Hangs, R., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T., Anderson, D.W. Rapid turnover of organic acids in a Dystric Brunisol under a spruce-lichen forest in northern Saskatchewan, Canada Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 93, 3, 295-304, 2013
- Fujii, K., Morioka, K., Hangs, R., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T., Anderson, D.W. Importance of climate and parent material on soil formation in Saskatchewan, Canada as revealed by soil solution studies Pedologist, 57, 1, 27-44, 2013
- Fujii, K., Uemura, M., Hayakawa, C., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T. Environmental control of lignin peroxidase, manganese peroxidase, and laccase activities in forest floor layers in humid Asia Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 57, 109-115, 2013
- Watanabe, T., Hasenaka, Y., Suwando, S., Sabiham, S., Funakawa, S. Mineral Nutrient Distributions in Tropical Peat Soil of Riau, Indonesia with Special Reference to Peat Thickness Pedologist, 57, 2, 64-71, 2013
- Fujii, K., Funakawa, S., Hayakawa, C., Sukartiningsih, Kosaki, T. Fluxes of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen in cropland and adjacent forest in a clay-rich Ultisol of Thailand and a sandy Ultisol of Indonesia Soil and Tillage Research, 126, 267-275, 2013
- Funakawa, S., Kadono, A., Morioka, K., Watanabe, T., Pachikin, K., Wang, G., Kubota, J. Regional trend of chemical and mineralogical properties of upland soils in humid Asia: Japan, Thailand and Indonesia Pedologist, 56, 13-27, 2012
- Sugihara, S., Funakawa, S., Nishigaki, T., Kilasara, M., Kosaki, T. Dynamics of fractionated P and P budget in soil under different land management in two Tanzanian croplands with contrasting soil textures Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 162, 101-107 2012
- Funakawa, S., Kadono, A., Morioka, K., Watanabe, T., Pachikin, K., Wang, G., Kubota, J. Distribution pattern of soils in the foothills of the Tienshan and Altai Mountains in Central Eurasia Pedologist, 56, 1, 13-27, 2012
- Kadono, A., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T. Comparison of measurable and conceptual soil organic carbon pools using the RothC model in Eurasia steppe soils under different land use Pedologist, 55, 3, 442-448, 2012
- Fujii, K., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T. Soil acidification: Natural processes and human impact Pedologist, 55, 3, 415-425, 2012
- Ikazaki, K., Shinjo, H., Tanaka, U., Tobita, S., Funakawa, S., Iwai, K., Kosaki, T. Soil and nutrient loss from a cultivated field during wind erosion events in the Sahel, West Africa Pedologist, 55, 3, 355-363, 2012
- Sugihara, S., Funakawa, S., Kikasara, M., Kosaki, T. Effect of land management on CO2 flux and soil C stock in two Tanzanian croplands with contrasting soil texture Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 46, 1-9, 2012
- Sugihara, S., Funakawa, S., Kikasara, M., Kosaki, T. Effect of land management on soil microbial N supply to crop N uptake in a dry tropical cropland in Tanzania Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 146, 1, 209-219, 2012
- Nagano, H., Sugihara, S., Matsushima, M., Okitsu, S., Prikhodko, V., Manakhova, E., Zdanovich, G., Manakhov, D., Ivanov, I.,
- Funakawa, S., Kawahigashi, M., Inubushi, K. Carbon and nitrogen contents and greenhouse gas fluxes of the Eurasian steppe soils with different land-use histories located in the Arkaim museum reserve of South Ural, Russia Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 58, 2, 238-244, 2012
- Nakao, A., Funakawa, S., Takeda, A., Tsukada, H., Kosaki, T. The distribution coefficient for cesium in different clay fractions in soils developed from granite and Paleozoic shales in Japan Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 58, 4, 397-403, 2012
- Tani, M., Shinjo, H., Fujitake, N., Sumida, H., Kosaki, T. Features and properties of Chernozemic soils and humic substances in eastern Ukraine Pedologist, 56, 2, 47-57, 2012
- 佐々木夕子、伊ケ崎健大、田中樹、真常仁志、飛田哲 西アフリカ・サヘル地域の村落において外部技術の導入経緯がその後の普及状況に与える影響 システム農学, 28, 2, 73-83, 2012
- Hayashi, K., Matsumoto, N., Hayashi, E.T., Abdoulaye, T., Shinjo, H., Tabo, R., Matsunaga, R., Tobita, S. Estimation of nitrogen flow within a village-farm model in Fakara region in Niger, Sahelian zone of West Africa Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystem, 92, 3, 289-304, 2012
- 伊ヶ崎健大、真常仁志、田中樹、岩井香泳子、小崎隆 西アフリカ・サヘル地域における草本植生劣化指標としての空間的ばらつきの可能性 観光科学研究, 5, 15-21, 2012
- Shimono, H., Miyazaki, H,. Shinjo, H., Kanno, H., Sakurai, T. Do Zambian Smallholders Choose the Optimal Sowing Date for High Maize Productivity? Tropical Agriculture and Development, 56, 2, 62-70 (J-STAGE), 2012
- Nakamura, S., Hayashi, K., Omae, H., Fatondji, D., Tabo, R., Shinjo, H., Saidou, A.K., Tobita, S. Rothamsted carbon model reveals technical options to maintain soil organic carbon under semi-arid climate Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 32, 4, 865-872, 2012
- Fujii, K., Funakawa, S., Shinjo, H., Hayakawa, C., Mori, K., Kosaki, T. Fluxes of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen throughout Andisol, Spodosol and Inceptisol profiles under forest in Japan Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 57, 6, 855-866, 2011
- Fujii, K., Hartono, A., Funakawa, S., Uemura, M., Sukartiningsih, Kosaki, T. Distribution of Ultisols and Oxisols in the serpentine areas of East Kalimantan Pedologist, 55, 2, 63-76, 2011
- Hayakawa, C., Fujii, K., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T. Biodegradation kinetics of monosaccharides and their contribution to basal respiration in tropical forest soils Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 57, 5, 663-673, 2011
- Ikazaki, K., Shinjo, H., Tanaka, U., Tobita, S., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T. Field-scale aeolian sediment transport in the Sahel, West Africa Soil Science Society of America Journal, 75, 5, 1885-1897, 2011
- Ikazaki, K., Shinjo, H., Tanaka, U., Tobita, S., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T. “Fallow Band System,” a land management practice for controlling desertification and improving crop production in the Sahel, West Africa. 1. Effectiveness in desertification control and soil fertility improvement. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 57, 4, 573-586, 2011
- Fujii, K., Hartono, A., Funakawa, S., Uemura, M, Kosaki, T. Fluxes of dissolved organic carbon in three tropical secondary forests developed on serpentine and mudstone Geoderma, 163, 1-2, 119-126, 2011
- Nakao, A., Watanabe, T., Honda, T., Hseu, Z.Y., Funakawa, S. The calcium-magnesium ratio of serpentinitic soils in various topographic locations in Sekinomiya, Japan; a potential criterion for the classification of the Dark-red Magnesian soils Pedologist, 55, 1, 30-42, 2011
- Ikazaki, K., Shinjo, H., Tanaka, U., Tobita, S., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T. Aeolian Materials Sampler for measuring surface flux of soil nitrogen and carbon during wind erosion events in the Sahel, West Africa Transactions of the ASABE, 54, 3, 983-990, 2011
- Fujii, K., Hartono, A., Funakawa, S., Uemura, M., Sukartiningsih, Kosaki, T. Acidification of tropical forest soils derived from serpentine and sedimentary rocks in East Kalimantan, Indonesia Geoderma, 160, 3-4, 311-323, 2011
- Nakamura, S., Hayashi, K., Omae, H., Ramadjita, T., Dougbedji, F., Shinjo, H., Saidou, A.K., Tobita, S. Validation of soil organic carbon dynamics model in the semi-arid tropics in Niger, West Africa Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 89, 3, 375-385, 2011
- 佐々木夕子、田中樹、伊ヶ崎健大、真常仁志、飛田哲 西アフリカ・サヘル地域における農耕民および牧畜民の生業と暮らし-「危機の年」とその対処行動に注目して- システム農学,27(4), 149-157, 2011
- Yanai, J., Nakata, S., Funakawa, S., Nawata, E., Katawatin, R., Kosaki, T. Effect of NPK application on growth, yield and nutrient uptake by sugarcane on a sandy soil in Northeast Thailand Tropical Agriculture and Development, 54, 4, 113-118, 2010
- Sawada, K., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T. Simulating short-term dynamics of non-increasing soil respiration rates by a model using Michaelis-Menten kinetics Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 56, 6, 874-882, 2010
- Sugihara, S., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T. In situ short-term carbon and nitrogen dynamics in relation to microbial dynamics after a simulated rainfall in croplands of different soil texture in Thailand Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 56, 6, 813-823, 2010
- Fujii, K., Hayakawa, C., Van Hees, P.A.W., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T. Biodegradation of low molecular weight organic compounds and their contribution to heterotrophic soil respiration in three Japanese forest soils Plant and Soil, 334, 1-2, 475-489, 2010
- Ikazaki, K., Shinjo, H., Tanaka, U., Tobita, S., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T. Performance of an Aeolian materials sampler for the determination of amount of coarse organic matter transported during wind erosion events in the Sahel, West Africa Pedologist, 53, 3, 126-134, 2010
- Funakawa, S., Shinjo, H., Kadono, A., Kosaki, T. Factors controlling in situ decomposition rate of soil organic matter under various bioclimatic conditions of Eurasia Pedologist, 53, 3, 50-66, 2010
- Kadono, A., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T. Factors controlling potentially mineralizable and recalcitrant soil organic carbon in humid Asia Pedologist, 53, 3, 135-142, 2010
- Sugihara, S., Funakawa, S., Kilasara, M., Kosaki, T. Dynamics of microbial biomass nitrogen in relation to plant nitrogen uptake during the crop growth period in a dry tropical cropland in Tanzania Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 56, 1, 105-114, 2010
- Sugihara, S., Funakawa, S., Kilasara, M., Kosaki, T. Effect of land management and soil texture on seasonal variations in soil microbial biomass in dry tropical agroecosystems in Tanzania Applied Soil Ecology, 44, 1, 80-88, 2010
- Nakamura, S., Hayashi, K., Omae, H., Ramadjita, T., Dougbedji, F., Shinjo, H., Saidou, A. K., and Tobita, S. Validation of soil organic carbon dynamics model in the semi-arid tropics in Niger, West Africa. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 89, 3, 375–385, 2010
- Sawada, K., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T. Threshold concentrations of glucose to increase the ratio of respiration to assimilation in a Japanese arable soil and a strongly acidic Japanese forest soil Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 55, 5, 634-642, 2009
- Funakawa, S., Kanetani, M. Chemical composition of water from different origins in Kutch district, Western India Journal of Arid Land Studies, 19, 2, 413-422, 2009
- Fujii, K., Uemura, M., Hayakawa, C., Funakawa, S., Sukartiningsih, Kosaki, T., Ohta, S. Fluxes of dissolved organic carbon in two tropical forest ecosystems of East Kalimantan, Indonesia Geoderma, 152, 1-2, 127-136, 2009
- Sawada, K., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T. Different effects of pH on microbial biomass carbon and metabolic quotients by fumigation–extraction and substrate-induced respiration methods in soils under different climatic conditions Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 55, 3, 363-374, 2009
- Funakawa, S., Makhrawie, Puluggono, H.B. Soil fertility status under shifting cultivation in East Kalimantan with special reference to mineralization patterns of labile organic matter Plant and Soil, 319, 1-2, 57-66, 2009
- Kadono, A., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T. Factors controlling potentially mineralizable and recalcitrant soil organic matter in humid Asia Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 55, 2, 243-251, 2009
- Fujii, K., Funakawa, S., Hayakawa, C., Sukartiningsih, S., Kosaki, T. Quantification of proton budgets in soils of cropland and adjacent forest in Thailand and Indonesia Plant and Soil, 316, 1-2, 241-255, 2009
- Nakao, A., Funakawa, S., Watanabe, T., Kosaki, T. Pedogenic alterations of illitic minerals represented by Radiocesium Interception Potential in soils with different soil moisture regimes in humid Asia European Journal of Soil Science, 60, 1, 139-152, 2009
- Nakao, A., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T. Hydroxy-Al polymers block the frayed edge sites of illitic minerals in acid soils: studies in southwestern Japan at various weathering stages European Journal of Soil Science, 60, 1, 127-138, 2009
- Ikazaki, K., Shinjo, H., Tanaka, U., Tobita, S., Kosaki, T. Sediment catcher to trap coarse organic matter and soil particles transported by wind Transactions of the ASABE, 52, 2, 487-492, 2009
- Shinjo, H., Hayashi, K., Hayashi, K., Abdoulaye, T., Kosaki, T. Management of Livestock Excreta through Corralling Practice by Sedentary Pastoralists in the Sahelian Region of West Africa-A Case Study in Southwestern Niger- Tropical Agriculture and Development, 52, 4, 97-103, 2008
- 矢内純太、松原倫子、LEE Choung Keun、森塚直樹、真常仁志、小崎隆 土壌診断のための水田土壌の合理的サンプリング法の検討‐土壌のサンプリング頻度とデータの信頼性との関係 日本土壌肥料学雑誌, 79, 1, 61-67, 2008
- Hayashi, K., Abdoulaye, T., Matsunaga, R., Shinjo, H., Tanaka, U., Tobita, S., Tabo, R. Sustainable management of soil organic matter for agricultural land in the Sahel, West Africa Advances in GeoEcology, 39, 371-378, 2008
- Shinjo, H., Hayashi, K., Abdoulaye, T., and Kosaki, T. Management of livestock excretion through corralling practice by sedentary pastoralists in the Sahelian region of West Africa – a case study in southwestern Niger -(共著) Tropical Agriculture and Development,52, 97-103, 2008
- Watanabe, T., Ogawa, N., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T. Relationship between chemical and mineralogical properties and the rapid response to acid load of soils in humid Asia: Japan, Thailand and Indonesia Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 54, 6, 856-869, 2008
- Takata, Y., Funakawa, S., Akshalov, K., Ishida, N., Kosaki, T. Regional evaluation of the spatio-temporal variation in soil organic carbon dynamics for rainfed cereal farming in northern Kazakhstan Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 54, 5, 794-806, 2008
- Funakawa, S., Watanabe, T., Kosaki, T. Regional trends in the chemical and mineralogical properties of upland soils in humid Asia: With special reference to the WRB classification scheme Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 54, 5, 751-760, 2008
- Nakao, A., Thiry, Y., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T. Characterization of the frayed edge site of micaceous minerals in soil clays influenced by different pedogenetic conditions in Japan and northern Thailand Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 54, 4, 479-489, 2008
- Funakawa, S., Hirooka, K., Yonebayashi, K. Temporary storage of soil organic matter and acid neutralizing capacity during the process of pedogenetic acidification of forest soils in Kinki District, Japan Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 54, 3, 434-448, 2008
- Sugimori, Y., Funakawa, S., Pachikin, K.M., Ishida, N., Kosaki, T. Soil salinity dynamics in irrigated fields and its effects on paddy-based rotation systems in southern Kazakhstan Land Degradation and Development, 19, 3, 305-320, 2008
- Sawada, K., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T. Soil microorganisms have a threshold concentration of glucose to increase the ratio of respiration to assimilation Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 54, 2, 216-223, 2008
- Kadono, A., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T. Factors controlling mineralization of soil organic matter in Eurasian steppe area Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 40, 4, 947-955, 2008
- Fujii, K., Funakawa, S., Hayakawa, C., Kosaki, T. Contribution of different proton sources to pedogenetic soil acidification in forested ecosystems in Japan Geoderma, 144, 3-4, 478-490, 2008
- Takata, Y., Funakawa, S., Yanai, J., Mishima, A., Akshalov, K., Ishida, N., Kosaki, T. Influence of crop rotation system on the spatial and temporal variation of the soil organic carbon budget in northern Kazakhstan Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 54, 1, 159-171, 2008
- Yanai, J., Nakata, S., Funakawa, S., Nawata, E., Katawatin, R., Tulaphitak, T., Kosaki, T. Evaluation of nutrient availability of sandy soil in Northeast Thailand with reference to growth, yield and nutrient uptake by maize Japanese Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 51, 4, 169-176, 2007
- Funakawa, S., Tachikawa, S., Kadono, A., Pulunggono, H.B., Kosaki, T. Factors controlling soil organic matter decomposition in small home gardens in different regions of Indonesia Tropics, 17, 1, 59-72, 2007
- Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T. Potential risk of soil salinization in different regions of Central Asia with special reference to salt reserve in deep layers of soils Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 53, 5, 634-649, 2007
- Takata, Y., Funakawa, S., Akshalov, K., Ishida, N., Kosaki, T. Spatial prediction of soil organic matter in northern Kazakhstan based on topographic and vegetation information Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 53, 3, 289-299, 2007
- Watanabe, T., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T. Profile description, properties, and classification of seven typical upland soils formed under different climatic conditions in Japan, Thailand, and Indonesia Pedologist, 51, 1, 24-34, 2007
- Funakawa, S., Suzuki, R., Kanaya, S., Karbozova-Saljnikov, E., Kosaki, T. Distribution patterns of soluble salts and gypsum in soils under large-scale irrigation agriculture in Central Asia Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 53, 2, 162-172, 2007
- Funakawa, S., Suzuki, R., Kanaya, S., Karbozova-Saljnikov, E., Kosaki, T. Distribution patterns of soluble salts and gypsum in soils under large-scale irrigation agriculture in Central Asia Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 53, 2, 150-161, 2007
- Funakawa, S., Minami, T., Hayashi, Y., Naruebal, S., Noichana, C., Panitkasate, T., Katawatin, R., Kosaki, T., Nawata, E. Process of runoff generation at different cultivated sloping sites in North and Northeast Thailand Japanese Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 51, 1, 12-21, 2007
- Watanabe, T., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T. Clay mineralogy and its relationship to soil solution composition in soils from different weathering environments of humid Asia: Japan, Thailand and Indonesia Geoderma, 136, 1-2, 51-63, 2006
- Hartono, A., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T. Transformation of added phosphorus to acid upland soils with different soil properties in Indonesia Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 52, 6, 734-744, 2006
- Watanabe, T., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T. Clay mineralogy and its relationship to soil solution composition in soils from different weathering environment of humid Asia: Japan, Thailand and Indonesia Geoderma, 136, 1-2, 51-63, 2006
- Funakawa, S., Yanai, J., Hayashi, Y., Hayashi, T., Watanabe, T., Noichana, C., Panitkasate, T., Katawatin, R., Kosaki, T., Nawata, E. Soil Organic Matter Dynamics in a Sloped Sandy Cropland of Northeast Thailand with Special Reference to the Spatial Distribution of Soil Properties Japanese Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 50, 4, 199-207, 2006
- Funakawa, S., Nishiyama, Y., Kato, A., Kadono, A., Kosaki, T. Temperature and moisture dependence of organic matter decomposition in soils from different environments, with special reference to the contribution of light- and heavy-fraction C Pedologist, 50, 1, 29-46, 2006
- Shinjo, H., Kato, A., Fujii, K., Mori, K., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T. Carbon dioxide emission derived from soil organic matter decomposition and root respiration in Japanese forests under different ecological conditions Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 52, 2, 233-242 2006
- Funakawa, S., Hayashi, Y., Tazaki, I., Sawada, K., Kosaki, T. The main functions of the fallow phase in shifting cultivation by the Karen people in northern Thailand – a quantitative analysis of soil organic matter dynamics Tropics, 15, 1, 1-27 2006
- 真常仁志、林慶一、松永亮一、田中樹、小崎隆 15. ニジェール南西部農牧混交地域の土地利用における家畜糞の役割(日本熱帯農業学会第98回講演会) 熱帯農業, 49, 2, 29-30 2005
- 森圭子、真常仁志、加藤綾子、小崎隆 我が国で利用されている分類体系の比較 -京都府北部の植生を異にする3つの森林土壌を用いて- 日本ペドロジー学会, 49, 10-21 2005
- Hirata, M., Koga, N., Shinjo, H., Fujita, H., Gintzburger, G., Ishida, J., Miyazaki, A. Measurement of above-ground plant biomass, forage availability and grazing impact by combining satellite image processing and field survey in a dry area of north-eastern Syria. Grass and Forage Science, 60, 25-33, 2005
- Hirata, M., Koga, N., Shinjo, H., Fujita, H., Gintzburger, G., Ishida, J., Miyazaki, A. Measurement of above-ground plant biomass, forage availability and grazing impact by combining satellite image processing and fied survey in a dry area of north-eastern Syria Grass and Forage Science, 60, 1, 25-33, 2005
- Hartono, A., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T. Phosphorus sorption-desorption characteristics of selected acid upland soils in Indonesia Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 51, 6, 787-799, 2005
- Nakao, A., Yoshida, T., Ozaki, T., Ohnuki, T., Funakawa, S., Kosaki, T. Cs accumulation behavior by P. fluorescens Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences, 6, 1, 107-110, 2005
- Yanai, J., Mishima, A., Funakawa, S., Akshalov, K., Kosaki, T. Spatial variability of organic matter dynamics in semi-arid croplands in northern Kazakhstan Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 51, 2, 261-269, 2005
- Funakawa, S., Nakamura, I., Akshalov, K., Kosaki, T. Water dynamics in soil-plant systems under grain farming in northern Kazakhstan Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 50, 8, 1219-1227, 2004
- Funakawa, S., Nakamura, I., Akshalov, K., Kosaki, T. Soil organic matter dynamics under grain farming in northern Kazakhstan Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 50, 8, 1211-1218, 2004
- Karbozova-Saljnikov, E., Funakawa, S., Akhmetov, K. Kosaki, T. Soil organic matter status of Chernozem soil in North Kazakhstan: effects of summer fallow Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 36, 9, 1373-1381, 2004
- Funakawa, S., Ashida, M., Yonebayashi, K. Charge characteristics of forest soils derived from sedimentary rocks in Kinki District, Japan, in relation to pedogenetic acidification process Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 49, 3, 387-396, 2003
- Tanaka, S., Ando, T., Funakawa, S., Sukhrun, C., Kaewkhongka, T., Sakurai, K. Effect of burning on soil organic matter content and N mineralization under shifting cultivation system of Karen people in northern Thailand Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 47, 3, 547-558 , 2001
- Hirata, M., Koga, N., Shinjo, H., Fujitas, H., Gintzburger, G., Miyazaki, A. Vegetation classification by satellite image processing in a dry area of north-eastern Syria International Journal of Remote Sensing, 22, 4, 507-516, 2001
- Shinjo, H., Fujita, H., Gintzbuger, G., Kosaki, T. Impact of grazing and tillage on water erosion in northeastern Syria Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 46, 1, 151-162 2000
- Shinjo, H., Fujita, H., Gintzbuger, G., Kosaki, T. Soil aggregate stability under different landscapes and vegetation types in a semiarid area in northeastern Syria Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 46, 1, 229-240, 2000
- Funakawa, S., Suzuki, R., Karbozova, E., Kosaki, T., Ishida, N. Salt-affected soils under rice-based irrigation agriculture in southern Kazakhstan Geoderma, 97, 1-2, 61-85, 2000
- Tanaka, S., Funakawa, S., Kaewkhongka, T., Yonebayashi, K. Labile pools of organic matter and microbial biomass in the surface soils under shifting cultivation in northern Thailand Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 44, 4, 527-537 , 1998
- Tanaka, S., Funakawa, S., Kaewkhongka, T., Yonebayashi, K. N mineralization process of the surface soils under shifting cultivation in northern Thailand Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 44, 4, 539-549, 1998
- Tanaka, S., Funakawa, S., Kaewkhongkha, T., Hattori, T., Yonebayashi, K. Soil ecological study on dynamics of K, Mg, and Ca, and soil acidity in shifting cultivation in northern Thailand Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 43, 3, 695-708, 1997
- Funakawa, S., Tanaka, S., Shinjyo, H., Kaewkhongkha, T., Hattori, T., Yonebayashi, K. Ecological study on the dynamics of soil organic matter and its related properties in shifting cultivation systems of northern Thailand Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 43, 3, 681-693, 1997
- Funakawa, S., Tanaka, S., Kaewkhongkha, T., Hattori, T., Yonebayashi, K. Physicochemical properties of the soils associated with shifting cultivation in northern Thailand with special reference to factors determining soil fertility Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 43, 3, 665-679, 1996
- Funakawa, S., Yonebayashi, K., John, FS, Chai, OK Nutritional environment of tropical peat soils in Sarawak, Malaysia based on soil solution composition Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 39, 4, 677-690, 1996
- Funakawa, S., Nambu, K., Hirai, H., Kyuma, K. Pedogenetic acidification of forest soils in northern Kyoto Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 39, 4, 677-690, 1993
- Funakawa, S., Hirai, H., Kyuma, K. Speciation of Al in soil solution from forest soils in northern Kyoto with special reference to their pedogenetic process Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 39, 2, 281-290, 1993
- Funakawa, S., Yonebayashi, K., Kyuma, K. Characteristics of humic substances and dynamics of dissolved organic matter in forest soils in northern Kyoto with special reference to their pedogenetic processes Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 39, 1, 169-181 , 1993
- Funakawa, S., Nambu, K., Hirai, H., Kyuma, K. Physical properties of forest soils in northern Kyoto with special reference to their pedogenetic processes Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 39, 1, 119-128, 1993
- Funakawa, S., Hirai, H., Kyuma, K. Soil-forming processes under natural forest north of Kyoto in relation to soil solution composition Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 38, 1, 101-112, 1992
- Hirai, H., Yoshikawa, K., Funakawa, S., Kyuma, K. Characteristics of brown forest soils developed under different bio-climatic conditions in the Kinki District with special reference to their pedogenetic processes Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 37, 4, 639-649, 1991